Tag Archives: RPS Chess
Once less with feeling
We often get told the right thing to do which is expedient but it’s not very educational. Why is it the right thing to do? What if the person instructing you is wrong? Sometimes an illuminating method of finding the … Continue reading
Graphic detail
If you’ve been following along from the previous post you’ll have screen showing a classic chequered board ready and waiting for pieces to be put on it. There are several ways to tackle this problem, each with their trade-offs. The … Continue reading
Measure twice, draw once
If you have followed the previous post you will have a perfectly black screen. This is not terribly exciting so we are going to make our view draw a chessboard pattern.
RPS Chess
The current project is a board game called RPS Chess created by a cartoonist called Tailsteak who, among other things, writes Leftover Soup. The rules are einfach enough to be described in a single comic. To follow along at home, … Continue reading